Today’s 3D Printing Jobs

Today I am running 2 3D print jobs at the same time, a cable winder organizer on the Creality Ender 3 v2 and then an airduct on (and for) my Prusa Mini+ printer.

The cable winder job on the Ender printer had a difficult start, first layer was giving issues. It was sticking OK, but the problem was that it was pushing around surplus filament on the print bed.

The airduct job that I ran on the Prusa printer was a special one on multiple levels. Firstly, I am using PETG filament and the other interesting aspect was the orientation of the model; I had it placed standing up (see how it was sliced below). It printed perfectly!

Results and Thoughts

The cable winder printed fine …well, that was what I initially thought. It is designed to “print in place” with a working lid and the turning spool for the cable (to wind up the cable thus). The lid broke off as it was too tight of a fit and the spool could not turn at all. I have to do some tweaks during slicing.

It was a better result for the airduct though! It printed perfectly and I have already mounted it on the Prusa Mini+ printer. A perfect fit!

the airduct