The Nicest 3D Print assignment

Today I am printing a little something for someone’s birthday. That is always the nicest things to print. It is currently, at the very moment when I am writing this, about 92% done. It’s a very nice type of 3D print job - only 1 hour and 21 minutes. The result doesn’t look too bad at all, some stringing, but not bad at all! Fingers crossed.

OK, the print job is done now…

…and it was not perfect for sure. That is why I am printing it again, but for this time I sliced it completely different.

I made some changes to the OpenScad, this particular model needed to have a bottom. Thus, I had to go into the SCAD-model, do the changes and render it again from scratch. That part worked brilliantly! It deemed some investigation how translate works, once sorted it was not too difficult to get it all together.

So, with all that, the STL was done. It was only to figure out the size of it. The first printout was looking nice initially, but the details were too fragile and it broke while doing the post-process (extremely delicate).